I am no longer accepting any new orders......see below for reasons why :)

Holiday and Maternity Leave

For those of you who do not know, I am almost 4 months pregnant with #3 :) AND I have a 4 year old AND a 9 month old. Yes, you read right, #2 is 9 months old. Needless to say I am busy and tired! So because this year I have 2 children to get ready for the holidays with and I am pregnant, I am having to close up shop and take leave earlier than last time. I am hoping to enjoy the holidays this year and get ready for baby #3! I am no longer accepting any new orders. And to be honest I have no idea how long of a leave I will take. Making the leap from one child to two was a circus, so who knows what our house will be like going from two to three! A BIG thank you to all of you loyal friends and customers!!!!! I appreciate your business greatly and love creating new things for each of you. Hope to be back sooner rather than later :))

New Item!!!!

So I got tired of not being able to find paci clips and I had seen enough of them to think, 'I can make that' (my husband LOVES when I think this - it means a new project!) And so, I went to my handy dandy craft/fabric stores, got some supplies and presto, Monkey (aka Hayes) has lots of new paci clips!!!!! Now that I have worked out the kinks and have gotten good at making them, I am adding them to my list of things I can make for YOU!!! I know I do lots of burp cloth/bib combos for baby gifts and now you can add a paci clip :) ALSO, browse through my appliques again because I have added some NEW DESIGNS!!!!!!!